Page 746 - Plastic Process Equipment, Inc
P. 746

RMA15 Hot Runner Control


                                           • Compatible with "G" sized mainframes.  • Open thermocouple break protection
                                             Including Athena "G+" and DME "G" &     with jumper-selectable shutdown or
            With SafeChange™                 "Smart" Series.                         average power output based on
          Hot Swap Feature!                                                          operation.
                                           • Accepts Type J thermocouple input.
                                                                                   • Preset Alarms at 30°F (17°C).
                                           • Bumpless auto/manual transfer.
                                                                                   • SafeChange™ "hot swap" feature allows
                                           • CompuStep  bakeout feature prevents     safe removal and replacement of module.
                                             moisture at startup.
                                                                                   • CE-compliant.
                                           • Built-in loop break, short, open, and
                                             reverse thermocouple protection.

                                           PPE's RMA Series module is a microprocessor-based, single zone temperature controller
                                           specifically designed for runnerless molding applications. It features an easy-to-use operator
                                           keypad, two LED displays, and three discrete indicators for heat output, alarm, degree F/C
                                           indication, manual and closed loop mode. RMA modules are available in 15 amp version and
                                           are compatible with all previous "G" series mainframes.
                                           RMA modules provide fully self-tuning, line voltage compensating, automatic closed-loop
                                           temperature control over a wide range of operating conditions.  A single chip microprocessor
                                           performs all the proportional, integral and derivative (PID) control functions required to maintain
                                           setpoint temperature.  No operator calculations or presetting of values is needed.

                                           PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS            OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS
                                           Control Accuracy  ±0.1°F (±0.1°C) dependent on  Voltages  240 VAC nominal, single phase,
                                                            the total thermal system             120 VAC available
                                           Temperature Range  32°F to 999°F, (0°C to 537°C)  Power Capability  15 Amps, 3600 watts @ 240 VAC
                                           Temperature Stability  ±0.5% of full scale over the  Overload Protection  Triac and load use high speed
                                                            ambient range of 32 to 131°F         fuses. Both sides are fused (GBB).
                                                            (0 to 55°C)
                                                                                 Power Line Isolation  Optically and transformer isolated
                                           Calibration Accuracy  Better than 0.2% of full scale  from AC lines. Isolation voltage
                                                                                                 is greater than 2500 volts.
                                           Power Response Time  Better than 0.3 seconds
                                                                                 Output Drive    Internal solid state triac, triggered
                                           Process Sampling  0.1 seconds (nominal)
                                                                                                 by ac zero crossing pulses.
                                           °F/°C            Jumper-selectable
                                           CompuStep System  Steps approximately from 25 V
                                           Control Mode     RMS with 240 VAC line output,  CONTROLS AND INDICATORS
                                                            phase fired, 5 minute duration  Setpoint Control  Two buttons up or down.
                                           CompuStep  System  200°F (93°C)       Resolution      1°F (1°C)
                                           Override Temperature
                                                                                 % Power Control  Two buttons up or down.
                                           Operational Mode  a) TC open, TC reverse, Shut-
                                           Priority          down and Open heater over-  Mode Control  Push button switch with LED
                                                             ride CompuStep  System              indicator for manual mode and
                                                                                                 closed loop mode
                                                            b) Manual mode overrides TC
                                                             open, TC reverse    Status Indicators  Heat output
                                           INPUT SPECIFICATIONS                                  % output
             MODEL RMA15                                                                         CompuStep ®
                                           Thermocouple (TC)  Type "J"  grounded or ungrounded   Manual
        15 AMP 1-11..........$285.00       Sensor                                                Closed Loop
                                           External (TC)    Maximum 100 ohms for rated  Power ON/OFF  Rocker switch, UL, CSA, VDE
                      12+ ..........$275.00  Resistance     accuracy                             approved
                                           TC Isolation     Isolated from ground and supply
                                                                                 ELECTRICAL POWER SPECIFICATION
                                           Cold Junction    Automatic, better than 0.02°F/°F
                                           Compensation     (0.01°C/°C)          Input Voltage   240/120 VAC, ±10% - 20%
                                           Input Impedance  10 Megohms           Frequency       50 Hz ±3 Hz, 60 Hz ±3 Hz
                                           Input Protection  Diode clamp, RC filter  DC Power Supplies  Internal generated, regulated and
                                                                                                 temperature compensated
                                           Input Amplifier Stability Better than 0.05°F/°F (0.03°C/°C)
                                                                                 Module Power Usage  Less than 3 watts, excluding load
                  PLASTIC PROCESS EQUIPMENT, INC.                                  
                   E 8303 CORPORATE PARK DRIVE         W  6385 MONTESSOURI STREET
                  A MACEDONIA, OHIO 44056-2300         E  LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89113-1186  Toll Free: USA, Canada & Mexico
                   S 216-367-7000 • FAX: 216-367-7022  S  702-433-6385 • FAX: 702-433-6388  800-362-0706
                   T TOLL FREE: 800-321-0562            T  TOLL FREE: 800-258-8877         Order Fax: 800-223-8305
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