Page 136 - Plastic Process Equipment, Inc
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                 LET US ANALYZE YOUR OIL!

          PROTECT YOUR EQUIPMENT                                      What Do I Get For My Investment
                                                                                In Oil Analysis?

                                                                    • Reduction in unexpected failures
                                                                    • Increased availability of equipment and
                                                                     less down time.
                                                                    • Reduce oil disposal costs by only changing
                                                                     worn out oil.
                                                                    • Longer equipment life.
                                                                    • Reduced reject rates.
                                                                    • Reduced spare parts inventory.
              To your naked eye there is not much
             difference between these two samples                   • Reduction of maintenance costs by replacing
                                                                     or repairing fewer components.
                                                                    • Reduction of larger expenses related to
                                                                     repairing failures and unnecessary service.
                                                                    • Help establish and extend oil change intervals.

                                                                        COST/BENEFIT ANALYSIS EXAMPLE
                                                                    YEAR ONE
                                                                    Labor to take and review samples...................  $500
                      To OUR eye there is a                         Sample cost - 40 machines.............................  $3440
                    DRAMATIC DIFFERENCE!                            Training and start-up supplies.........................  + $1500
                                                                    TOTAL START-UP COST                     $5440
          Oil analysis was originally developed for preventive      Reduced line downtime...................................  $5350
          maintenance for engines. Engine fleet managers could
          track wear over time and by watching wear metal counts,   Reduced oil consumption 20% through
          they could take an engine out of service before serious   unnecessary changes.....................................  $800
          problems arose.                                           Reduced labor cost from not changing oil.......  $300
          The same principles apply to hydraulic fluids and because  Reduced overtime 35% for unplanned
          hydraulic systems are more sensitive to foreign materials  downtime.........................................................  $1500
          than engines, the reports have been expanded to give      Reduced cost of component repair (20%).......  + $1000
          more detailed information.
                                                                    TOTAL START-UP COST                     $8950
          Effective preventive maintenance programs use frequent
          oil analysis as a means of predicting problems. This              RETURN ON INVESTMENT = 164%
          allows for scheduled maintenance, repairs and                  SIMPLE PAY BACK PERIOD = 7.3 MONTHS
          unscheduled downtime.
          When starting preventive maintenance programs it may      Kits Include: Oil bottle, service form, mailing bottle and
          take 8-10 samples to get meaningful baseline data after   prepaid lab service report. Lab report will include: particle
          this period critical systems should be checked every 1-3  count, spectrometal analysis, viscosity classification,
          months. Less critical auxiliary systems can be checked    percent water content and TAN* (Total Acid Number).
          every 3-4 months.
          One study showed that “Breakdown Maintenance”                                       QUANTITY PRICING
          (maintenance performed after noticeable deterioration       PART NO.        TAN*
          in machine condition) costs an average of $17 to $18                      OPTION       1-9       10+
          per horsepower of machinery per year. It also showed          OKA-1         NO       $32.50     $31.35
          that “Predictive” preventive maintenance costs only $7
          to $9 per horsepower of machinery per year.                  OKA-2T         YES      $42.65     $40.60

                  PLASTIC PROCESS EQUIPMENT, INC.                                  
                   E 8303 CORPORATE PARK DRIVE         W  6385 MONTESSOURI STREET
                  A MACEDONIA, OHIO 44056-2300         E  LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89113-1186  Toll Free: USA, Canada & Mexico
                   S 216-367-7000 • FAX: 216-367-7022  S  702-433-6385 • FAX: 702-433-6388  800-362-0706
                   T TOLL FREE: 800-321-0562            T  TOLL FREE: 800-258-8877         Order Fax: 800-223-8305
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