Page 178 - Plastic Process Equipment, Inc
P. 178


                             Warning signs must have a black pictogram on a yellow triangle with a black border.
                      Hazard signs must be displayed to warn people to be careful or take precautions where hazards exist.  Standard
                            The General Warning Sign can only be used in combination with other warning signs.
        Compliments      KNOW YOUR SAFETY SIGNS!
           of PPE

                 W001                  W002                 W003                  W004                 W005
             General warning sign  Warning; explosive material  Warning; Radioactive material or  Warning; laser beam  Warning; Non-ionizing radiation
                                                         ionizing radiation

                 W006                  W007                 W008                  W009                 W010
            Warning: Magnetic field  Warning: Floor level obstacle  Warning; Drop (fall)  Warning: Biological hazard  Warning: Low temperature/
                                                                                                    freezing conditions

                 W011                  W012                 W013                  W014                 W015
            Warning; slippery surface  Warning; Electricity  Warning; Guard dog  Warning; Fork lift trucks and other  Warning; Overhead load
                                                                               industrial vehicles

                 W016                  W017                 W018                  W019                 W020
            Warning; Toxic material  Warning; Hot surface  Warning; Automatic start-up  Warning; Crushing  Warning; Overhead obstacles

                 W021                  W022                 W023                  W024                 W025
          Warning: Flammable materials  Warning: Sharp elements  Warning; Corrosive substance  Warning; Crushing of hands  Warning: counter rotating rollers

                 W026                  W027                 W028                  W029                 W030
           Warning: Battery charging  Warning; Optical radiation  Warning; Oxidizing substance  Warning: Pressurized cylinder  Warning: Hand crushing
                                                                                                  between press brake tool

                 W031                  W032                 W033                  W034                 W035
            Warning: Hand crushing  Warning: Rapid movement of  Warning: Barbed wire  Warning: Bull  Warning: Falling objects
               between press     workpiece in press brake

                 W036                  W037                 W038                  W039                 W040
             Warning: Fragile roof  Warning: Run over by remote  Warning: Sudden loud noise  Warning: Falling Ice  Warning: Roof avalanche
                                operator controlled machine
                     © Copyright 2016 Plastic Process Equipment, Inc.  Note: PPE customers may reproduce this form only in it's entirety.
                  PLASTIC PROCESS EQUIPMENT, INC.                                  
                   E 8303 CORPORATE PARK DRIVE         W  6385 MONTESSOURI STREET
                  A MACEDONIA, OHIO 44056              E  LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89113       Toll Free: USA, Canada & Mexico
                   S 216-367-7000 • FAX: 216-367-7022  S  702-433-6385 • FAX: 702-433-6388  800-362-0706
                   T TOLL FREE: 800-321-0562            T  TOLL FREE: 800-258-8877         Order Fax: 800-223-8305
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